Peking University, Oct. 14, 2017: On October 10, 2017, Professor Edward I. Moser, the recipient of 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, visited Peking University. The visit is a part of the collaborative preparatory work for “multimodal cross-scale biomedical imaging national major technology infrastructure” with International Advisory Committee (IAC).
Professor Tian Gang, vice president of PKU met Professor Moser and gave a brief introduction to Peking University’s pioneering development in multimodal cross-scale biomedical imaging facilities. Professor Moser expressed willingness to support the construction of such large facilities. At the same time, he gave a high commendation on Peking University’s recent successful development of the miniature two photon microscope. This system is a crucial component of the multimodal cross-scale biomedical imaging facility. Professor Moser believes that it will become a revolutionary tool for neuroscience research, and will be particularly beneficial to his research on the brain’s spacial navigation for nervous system. Academician Cheng Heping from the Institute of Molecular Medicine, Xia Hongwei director of the Office of International Relations, Lei Ming assistant director of Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, all attended the meeting.
Tian Gang delivering a souvenir to Professor Moser
During the visitation, Professor Moser also had the opportunity to visit Peking University’s miniature two photon microscopy development interdisciplinary joint laboratory. Professor Moser engaged in in-depth conversations with both teachers and students, and also planned a collaborative project.
Professor Moser examining PKU’s high space-time resolution miniature two photon microscope
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Extended reading:
Edvard I. Moser, born in 1962 in Norway. Moser is a professor in neuroscience and the director of the Kavli Instate for Systems Neuroscience in Trondheim. Along with his partners John O’Keefe and May-Britt Moser, he won the 2014 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, on the grounds of “discovering the cells that constitute the spacial navigation system in brain”.
Written by: Kemerly Wang
Edited by:Wang Chengsiou
Source: PKU News