Peking University, October 4, 2020: This year, due to the challenges brought by the COVID-19, the School of Economics at Peking University broadened students’ horizons via “cloud classroom” during the past summer holiday. From July to September, PKU-UChicago International Policy Action Lab, SEPKU-Oriel College Summer Institute 2020 Online Programme, SEPKU-UZH International Summer School, and several other courses were held online.
PKU-UChicago International Policy Action Lab
SEPKU-Oriel College Summer Institute 2020 Online Programme

SEPKU-UZH International Summer School
Based on leading teaching resources and research strength of Peking University and other universities in the world, the online international courses offered a platform for students from around the globe to exchange views in diversified cultural backgrounds, which is significant to the education of students with international outlook and the development of a global interdisciplinary learning community.
Written by: Chen Ching-Shan
Edited by: Hu Rong
Source: PKU News (Chinese)