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Peking University hosts video conference with UCL on anti-epidemic experience
May 10, 2020
Peking University, May 10, 2020: On April 30, Wang Bo, vice president of Peking University, and UCL pro-vice-provost Deenan Pillay participated in a video conference to exchange anti-epidemic experience amid the COVID-19 outbreak.

Wang appreciated it when UCL sent its regards. He presented that after receiving the letter from UCL Vice Chancellor, Peking University attached great importance to UCL’s initiative. Based on the friendship between the two universities, Wang hoped that this video conference would facilitate communication among experts from both sides and help prevent the COVID-19 outbreak from spreading further through sharing anti-epidemic experience. He also pledged that Peking University would spare no effort to support UCL in the anti-epidemic fight.

Pillay thanked Peking University for sharing anti-epidemic experience. He noted that presently China had made remarkable achievement in the anti-epidemic fight, and believed that Peking University had garnered considerable experience amid the COVID-19 outbreak. He hoped the international exchanges and cooperation between UCL and Peking University would be further promoted through this conference.

During this conference, academics from Peking University shared their experience in online teaching, medical treatment, and international communication amid the epidemic. They also exchanged views with UCL about student support and the development of research projects, etc.

Written by: Zhou Meng
Edited by: Huang Weijian
Source: PKU News (