Editor in Chief of Nature visits PKU
Nov 03, 2019
Peking University, November 2, 2019: On November 1, Editor in Chief of the Journal Nature Magdalena Skipper paid a visit to the main campus of Peking University and Health Science Center (PUHSC). PKU President Hao Ping and Zhan Qimin, executive vice president of PKU and president of PUSHC received the guests at Linhuxuan.
Hao Ping warmly welcomed the visit by Professor Skipper. He spoke highly of Nature's prestige in the academic world and hoped that Peking University and Nature would carry out further cooperation. Professor Skipper introduced that Nature as a journal is devoted to reporting major discoveries and important breakthroughs in science. Feeling pleased to visit Peking University, Skipper looked forward to furthering exchanges and collaboration with world-renowned institutions like Peking University.
The group photo
After the meeting, Professor Skipper delivered a speech themed "150 years of Nature: a century and a half of research and its influence" to PKU students in Room B102, Second Gymnasium. She looked back on the past 150 years’ history of Nature, delineated its past achievements, and drew blueprints for the future. The lecture hall was packed with more than 150 students and teachers who answered Professor Skipper with prolonged applause.
The visiting group then moved to Peking University Health Science Center, where a seminar was held for experts from PUHSC and editors to exchange ideas. Zhang Ning hosted the seminar. Zhan Qimin congratulated Nature on its 150 anniversary and gave a brief introduction to the predominant disciplines of PUHSC. Vice President of PUHSC Duan Liping, Sun Qiudan, director of the Division of International Relations, PUHSC, as well as other 80 or so representatives were also present at the seminar.
The seminar at PUHSC
Professor Zhang Hongquan, head of the Department of Anatomy and Embryology, Professor Ye Xinshan from the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Yan Liying, researcher on reproductive medication of Peking University Third Hospital, and Professor Wu Jianmin from the Tumor Bioinformatics Center of Peking University Tumor Hospital respectively introduced their research work.
Skipper spoke highly of the basic and clinical research work at PUHSC, encouraged researchers to conduct cross-subject research, looked forward to more scientific discoveries and applications, and welcomed closer communication with Nature and Nature Cancer, which is to be launched in 2020.
Researchers introducing their works
Background Information:
Magdalena Skipper
Magdalena Skipper is the 8th Editor in Chief of Nature and also the first woman for this position from a biotechnological background.
First edited in 1869, Nature is one of the most prestigious and recognizable scientific journals in the world. It used to be attached to Macmillan Science and Education. In May 2015 it came under the umbrella of Springer Nature. In 2018, the impact factor of Nature was 43.070.
Written by: Qiu Kanghua
Edited by: Wei Yunqi
Source: Official Wechat Account of PUHSC