Peking University, April 12, 2019: In March, the Essential Science Indicators (ESI) updated its rankings of research disciplines. According to the latest ESI, Peking University makes it to the top 100 in the world, and performs well in many disciplines in the reference assessment. With 71,100 dissertations, 1,122,846 citations, 15.79 average citations per article and 1,358 top papers, Peking University ranks 89th.
ESI released in March, 2019
Of all the 22 disciplines that the ESI ranks, PKU has 21 disciplines among the global top 1%, maintaining the status of having the largest number of top 1% disciplines among all universities on the Chinese mainland. Notably, the number of PKU’s research disciplines in the global top 1% climbed from 4 in 2002 to 21 in 2016, and it has remained steady since then.

21 PKU disciplines among top 1% in the world
The Essential Science Indicators database reveals emerging science trends as well as influential individuals, institutions, papers, journals, and countries in the field of scientific research. With science trend statistics drawn from more than 12 million articles in more than 12,000 journals around the world, Essential Science Indicators offers in-depth coverage that facilitates better research performance, allows researchers to identify significant trends, and evaluates potential employees and collaborators. Built on the foundation of Web of Science, Essential Science Indicators uses the most thorough, accurate, and objective information available.
Written by: Yan Congcong
Edited by: Wang Xi & Wang Qian
Source: PKU News (Chinese), Clarivate Analytics