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Four PKU Professors Appointed Chief Scientists of National Programs for Fundamental Research
Nov 27, 2008

Peking University, Beijing, Nov. 27th 2008: Recently, the Ministry of Science and Technology published the budget and preliminary plan for the first two years of 2009 National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development Project Plan (973 project, with key scientific and technological research projects). Four projects applied by Peking University are approved (three 973 projects, one key scientific and technological project). Four PKU professors are appointed chief scientists, with a total budget of 67.24 million Yuan.


      The four projects are as follows:

Project Number


Project Name


Chief Scientist



Web-based basic research of the credibility and quality of service and development method and operation of the mechanism of software complexity

Mei Hong




Research of video coding theory and method based on  characteristics of human visual

Gao Wen


Key issue of turbulence in aircrafts’ aerodynamics and optical design 


She Zhensu


Applied basic research of nanotechnology to improve the effectiveness of insoluble drugs


Zhang Qiang

























 973 Project gathers a group of renowned scholars on foundational researches that have driven the overall development of the nation’s technology. For the current and future needs of the nation's strategic development, the project focuses on eight areas: agriculture, energy and resource, information, resource and environment, population and health, materials, integration and interdisciplinary, important areas of cutting-edge science. Usual duration for a research program is 5 years.


The key scientific and technological projects are carried out in accordance with "The Outline for National Medium and Long-term Plans for Science& Technology Development (2006-2020)". The Ministry of Science and Technology launched four projects concerning protein, quantum control, nanotechnology and reproductive and developmental in 2006. This plan follows the 973 project regulation and the projects have duration of 5 years. 


      973 Project is initiated and accomplished by the Ministry of Science and Technology. Chief scientists are in full charge of implementation, and the institutions are responsible for daily management. According to the plan of the first two years of 2009 Chinese National Programs for Fundamental Research and Development Project published by the Ministry of Science and Technology, a total of 109 projects across the country are approved(74 are 973 project ,35 are key scientific and technological projects), with financial support of 1.6 billion Yuan.


Edited By : Cai Ying

Translated By : Xiang Yunke

Source : PKU Office of Scientific Research