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[ICF 2019] Lifestyle transformation and technological innovation
Oct 22, 2019
Peking University, Oct. 22, 2019: The Peking University Youth Forum, themed as “Innovation – The Power of Youth” invited Chinese and International youth delegates to share their perspectives regarding innovation, creation, and responsibility through narration. Amongst these narrations, a story was revealed by Ouyang Ruize, a graduate student of School of International Studies, that revolved around digital addiction.

Ouyang sharing his views on digital addiction

Digital Addiction

The millennial generation is exposed to an abundance of technology, which has shifted the behaviours of individuals from playing on the streets to playing on the phones. The access to technology can lead to a convenient lifestyle. However, this convenience can also lead to addiction. Addiction can be defined as a strong inclination to do, use or indulge in something repeatedly. From this perspective, the repeated use of a digital device can lead to the development of a compulsive dependence. This compulsion may negatively interfere with an individual’s life.

Digital addiction can be categorized into phone addiction and Internet addiction. Phone addiction can be considered as a dependence syndrome, where the daily lives of an individual is affected in a negative way. The overuse of the smartphone can lead to behavioural and health problems such as depression, anxiety and construct socially challenged personalities, who may gain comfort from only being on their phones. Internet addiction can be defined as an impulsive control disorder, where an individual may find it difficult to differentiate the digital world with reality. Internet addiction can become a pathological symptom from spending excessive amounts of time online and lead to poor time management and a lack of social interaction.

Ouyang sharing his views on anxiety, depression and social disfunction

Ouyang Ruize

Digital addiction was a topic that Ouyang Ruize has been sharing with his circle of friends, and the opportunity to present this topic to a wider audience was a motivating factor for him to participate in the forum. Ruize said, “one of my goals was to clearly express my thoughts and concerns, as well as, to spread awareness about this topic to my fellow students”. Furthermore, he said “the topic of digital addiction came to my mind when I was studying in the USA. During the first day of my Mediterranean art class, the professor said there should be no computers used in this class, if you would like to use a computer please sit at the back, I highly encourage handwritten notes because computers can serve as a distraction”.

Reported by: Kairun Daikoku
Edited by: Zhang Jiang
References: itstimetologoff, innerdrive
