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The 21st CUBA northeast divisional match kicks off at Peking University
Mar 26, 2019
Peking University, Mar. 26, 2019: The opening ceremony of the 21st Chinese University Basketball Association (CUBA) of the Northeast Division was held in Peking University Gymnasium. The game in the northeast division this year was co-organized by Peking University and Tsinghua University. 

At the opening ceremony

The opening ceremony and the kickoff game

In order to promote the important role of basketball in colleges and universities, this year, CUBA has decided to expand the size of participating teams, introduce a new competition system combining home court and away ground.

After a brilliant light show, the aerobics team of PKU and the cheerleading team of Beijing Sport University brought wonderful performances. Then there came one after another the representative basketball team of each school, and the kickoff game between Peking University and Dongbei University of Finance & Economics began in excitement. In the end, PKU Men's Basketball team, the defending champion for two consecutive years, defeated DUFE Team by 93-76. CCTV-5, Youku Sports and JSports broadcast the whole process of the competition online.

Leaders and distinguished guests watching the opening match

CUBA, set up in 1998, has a history of 21 years. Nowadays the tournament has become one of the two major events in Chinese basketball, besides China Basketball Association (CBA). CUBA are divided into four divisions based on geography: the northeast, the southwest, the southeast and the northwest. In 2019, 128 teams from 100 colleges and universities will participate in the divisional games held in PKU, THU, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Southwest Jiaotong University and so on.

In the Northeast division there are totally 20 men's basketball teams and 12 women's basketball teams participating in the next stage of 5 rounds of group marches from March the 16th to 20th, and then the knockout and qualifying matches from 21st to 24th. The final will be held at Tsinghua University on the 24th.

Expectations for developing campus sports in China

Prior to the opening ceremony, President of Federation of University Sports of China Hao Ping met with President of Chinese Taipei University Sport Federation Han-Sun Chiang at Linhuxuan. They also attended the signing ceremony of the strategic cooperation of campus sports between FUSC, China School Sports Federation (CSSF) and Nike Sports (China).

During the meeting, Hao Ping and Han-Sun Chiang exchanged information on the development of sports in universities on both sides of the strait and reached a consensus on further strengthening sports cooperation in the future. The two sides agreed that the sports events will boost communication among young people across the strait, and planned to take advantage of sports as a vital platform to further strengthen trust and enhance mutual understanding of the two sides.

Hao Ping indicated that PKU takes the initiatives to follow national strategies in life sciences, artificial intelligence, sports medicine and other aspects to serve national development, and hoped to carry out more comprehensive cooperation with Fujen Catholic University in the areas mentioned above. Han-Sun Chiang believed that Fujen Catholic University has plenty of opportunities to cooperate with PKU in the fields of medicine and other disciplines, and hoped to carry out more in-depth cooperation with PKU in sports medicine and other spheres to make more contributions to the country and its social development.

FUSC, CSSF and Nike Sports (China) signed the Agreement on the Action Plan on Strategic Cooperation in School Sports under the Framework of the China-US Social and Cultural Dialogue. According to the agreement, both sides will continue to carry out exchange programs between high school and university sports teams of China and the US every year starting from 2019, and will be committed to further upholding and strengthening practical cooperation in sports between Chinese and American schools.

Written by: Guo Xinyu
Edited by: Fu Wenyun
Source: PKU News (Chinese)
