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Hello, 2021! New Year Party for PKU International Community
Dec 24, 2020

Peking University, December 24, 2020: 2021 Peking University International Students & Foreign Experts New Year Party with the theme of "Apart yet not Afar" was held on December 21 at Shaoyuan Hongya Hall. International students, foreign experts, administrative staff, and alumni joined the annual event both offline and online.

Writing down the “good fortune” Chinese character, solving lantern riddles, joining in fun games, and much more activities took place at the PKU International Students & Foreign Experts New Year Party.

Writing down the "good fortune" Chinese character

Solving lantern riddles

Stage performance

Puzzle games

As 2020 is a year where PKU students, faculty, staff, and alumni worked together to overcome challenges presented by unpredictable situations, the host of the party, the Office of International Relations, presented various awards to individuals, colleges, departments, and administrative offices for their contributions.

As the event concluded, 4 Pekingers shared with us their thoughts on the party, their wishes for 2021, and what they would like to say to fellow PKU students who are eager to come back to campus.

Yasin Rahim from Pakistan

Yasin Rahim, a Pakistani student from the School of Earth and Space Sciences, said that he enjoyed being part of the activity because he met lots of people and had good conversations with them.

Islam Alymbayev from Turkmenistan

Islam Alymbayev, a student of PKU School of International Studies from Turkmenistan, wished that 2021 could be the year we solve the COVID-19 global public health crisis.

Zuhal Fidan from Turkey

Zuhal Fidan, a Turkish Yenching Scholar, encouraged her PKU friends who are now living overseas to keep the motivation up, and she looked forward to the day they meet up in China.

Razzvi Galor from Israel

Razzvi Galor, PKU alumnus, also encouraged Pekingers who are living overseas to stay safe, calm, and positive.

This year's New Year Party was more than an occasion for a happy gathering. It was a moment that Pekingers could sit together to not only remember the rough patches we went through due to the COVID-19 pandemic and how we built resilience based on the efforts each individual made, but also a time to remind us to keep our spirits high and embrace the year 2021 with full of hope!

Written by:
Xu Haolun
Edited by:
Amanda Hu, Estella Zhang Qiming