Nov 29, 2019
What motivates international students to study in China and apply to Peking University?
Peking University, Nov. 29, 2019: Each year, more than 8,000 students from over 100 countries come to Peking University for full-time degrees or short-term programs. During this year's International Culture Festival, Sophia BAE HYEEUN, a 2018 Master's student from the School of A...
Nov 21, 2019
[ICF 2019] China-Nepal Cultural & Art Exchange Evening held at Peking University
Peking University, Nov. 21, 2019: Peking University held a special China-Nepal Cultural & Art Exchange Evening on November 13, as part of Peking University International Culture Festival 2019.China-Nepal Cultural & Art Exchange EveningThemed “Across the Himalayas&rd...
Oct 25, 2019
President Hao Ping lectures at PKU School of International Studies
Peking University, October 21, 2019: On the evening of October 8, Hao Ping, president of Peking University and chairman of the 37th UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) General Conference, visited PKU School of International Studies and ga...
Oct 24, 2019
The 23rd Club Cultural Festival kicks Off
Peking University, October 16, 2019: The 23rd Club Cultural Festival kicked off on October 12th on the plaza in front of Peking University Hall. Over fifty student clubs and associations gathered to allow new and returning students to discover clubs that align with their passions...
Oct 24, 2019
Lighting up Yan Yuan: Peking University upgrades its landscape lighting system
Peking University, Oct. 15, 2019: Strolling in the campus of Peking University these days at night, you may find changes in lighting along the Weiming Lake, on the Boya Tower and at the PKU hall, which add softness and elegance to the fascinating night scene of the schoolyard.The...
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