Aug 21, 2020
Repatriation of looted cultural artefacts: Opportunities to strengthen China-Africa cultural ties
Peking University, August 21, 2020: In Beijing lies one of China’s most historic sites – the Yuanmingyuan Park (also known as the Old Summer Palace). Home of the Qing Dynasty, this site simultaneously fans the embers of national humiliation and patriotism. It is a ste...
Aug 11, 2020
[Peking University Landmark] The Administrative Building
Peking University, August 11, 2020: If you enter Peking University through the West Gate, cross the Alumni Bridge and pass through the lawn where there stands a pair of ornamental columns, you will come across the Administrative Building, a building representative of Peking Unive...
Aug 03, 2020
[Peking University Landmark] Chengze Garden
Peking University, August 3, 2020: Chengze Garden, whose name means “to accept bliss from emperor” in Chinese, is located on the west bank of Wanquan River that winds through many ancient gardens, including the famous Old Summer Palace. It covers an area of 1.97 hecta...
Jul 10, 2020
Speech by Tang Shiqi at the 2020 Commemcement of SIS: Empathy, Duty, Tolerance, Rationality
Dear Teachers and Students, Good morning!First of all, please allow me to express my heartfelt congratulations to the members of the graduating class of 2020, both present and absent! Congratulations on completing an important stage of your academic studies, and congratulations t...
Jul 09, 2020
Speech by Justin Yifu Lin at the 2020 Commencement of NSD and ISSCAD
Dean Yao, fellow students, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen,I would like to congratulate the 38 students who have completed all the requirements and will get their degree at this commencement. It is a landmark in your life, because it shows that you have the determination and abi...
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