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Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies
1 02316350 Advanced Topics in Applied Ethics 3 3 54
2 02316290 History of Western Ethics 3 3 54
3 02313592 Intensive Reading of Hegel's Rriginal Works in German 3 3 48
4 02316320 Metaethics 3 3 54
5 02313850 A Study in Husserl`s Philosophy 3 3 48
6 02317150 A Study of Contemporary Aesthetics 3 3 48
7 02313362 A Study of Heidegger's Later Philosophy 3 3 54
8 02313691 A Study of Plato's Republic 3 3 48
9 02319641 A comparison study between China and USA on science communication 3 3 48
10 02312102 Academic Frontiers of Chinese Philosophy and It's Scholar Writting 1 1 16
11 02311330 Academic Research & Writing 2 2 36
12 02317181 Academic Writing for Postgraduate Students 1 1 16
13 02315050 Advanced ModaL Logic 4 4 64
14 02313192 Advanced Studies in Ancient Philosophy 3 3 48
15 02316240 Advanced Topic in Theories of Justice 3 3 54
16 02316360 Advanced Topics in Chinese Ethical Thoughts 3 3 54
17 02310000 Advanced Topics in Chinese Ethical Thoughts 3 3 48
18 02316330 Advanced Topics in Normative Ethics 3 3 54
19 02319611 Advanced Topics in Philosophy of Science 3 3 48
20 02307310 Aesthetics of Chinese Opera 3 4 48
21 02317110 Aesthetics of Hegel 3 3 48
22 02318390 Alcoran Study 2 2 32
23 02313460 American Pragmatism 3 3 54
24 02312131 An Intellectual History of Early Modern China 3 3 48
25 02300889 An Intellectual History of Early Modern China 3 3 48
26 02300887 An Introduction of Early Modern Chinese Intellectual Classics 2 2 32
27 02300886 An Introduction of Modern Chinese Intellectual History 3 3 48
28 02313520 An Introduction to Comparative Studies of Chinese and Foreign Philosophies 2 2 32
29 02312012 An Introduction to the Digital Historical Materials of Chinese philosophy 2 2 32
30 02313720 An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law 3 3 48
31 02312470 An introduction to the study of the Daozang 3 3 48
32 02313040 Analyic Philosophy 3 3 48
33 02311250 Analytic Philosophy in China 3 3 54
34 02314011 Ancient Indian Philosophy (Text) Ⅰ 3 3 48
35 02314012 Ancient Indian Philosophy (Text)Ⅱ 3 3 48
36 02318430 Anthropology of Religion 2 2 34
37 02310050 Applied Ethics(Ethics for Corportion) 3 3 54
38 02318393 Arab Culture 2 2 32
39 02318391 Arabic Philosophy 2 2 32
40 02313620 Aristotle and the Aristotelian Tradition 3 3 54
41 02313621 Aristotle's Physics 3 3 54
42 02316250 Aristotle`s Ethics 3 3 48
43 02316251 Aristotle’s De Anima 3 3 48
44 02315010 Axiomatic Set Theory 3 3 48
45 02314000 Basic Methods of Research and Writing on Eastern Religions 1 1 16
46 02313141 Biblical Hebrew (I) 1 2 32
47 02313142 Biblical Hebrew (II) 1 2 32
48 02318522 Biblical Interpretation 3 3 48
49 02316510 Bioethics Classic Readings 2 3 36
50 02313430 British Philosophy in 19th Century 3 3 48
51 02312031 Buddhist Hermeneutics Related with Chinese Medieval Buddhist Literature and Images 3 3 48
52 02318251 Buddhist Philosophy 2 2 36
53 02318250 Buddhist Philosophy(Theme) 3 3 54
54 02314241 Buddhist Sutras(Chinese Version) I 3 3 54
55 02314242 Buddhist Sutras(Chinese Version) II 3 3 54
56 02314243 Buddhist Sutras(Chinese Version) III 3 3 54
57 02318253 Buddhist Texts in Sanskrit 2 2 32
58 02314340 Buddism and Ancient Chinese Society 3 3 48
59 02311120 CLassical Qeyman Philosophy 3 3 48
60 02317121 Chinese Aesthetic Literature 3 3 48
61 02310130 Chinese Aesthetics Seminar 3 3 48
62 02317250 Chinese Aesthetics(Text) 3 3 54
63 02311480 Chinese Culture in the World 3 3 48
64 02316121 Chinese History and Ethical Study 2 2 32
65 02318371 Chinese Islamism 2 2 32
66 02312301 Chinese Philosophy Seminar 3 3 48
67 02318201 Christain Aesthetic In Theological Context 3 3 48
68 02318240 Christian Philosophy 3 3 54
69 02318343 Christianity and Buddhism in Late Ming Dynasty 2 2 32
70 02318341 Christianity and Buddhism in Late Ming Dynasty (I) 2 2 34
71 02318342 Christianity and Buddhism in Late Ming Dynasty (II) 2 2 32
72 02307330 Classic Kunqu Opera Appreciation 2 2 32
73 02313560 Classic of Philosophy of Language 3 3 54
74 02313032 Classical Greek Philosophical Text Reading 2 2 32
75 02318281 Classical Text of Religion and Belief 2 2 34
76 02314252 Classical Works of Chinese Culture 2 2 36
77 02314251 Classical Works of Chinese Culture 2 2 36
78 02318280 Classics of Religious Studies (Theme) 3 3 54
79 02313701 Classics of Western Philosophy (1) 3 3 54
80 02313702 Classics of Western Philosophy (2) 3 3 54
81 02313011 Comparative Classical Philosophy 3 3 48
82 02316230 Comparative Ethics:Chinese and Western 3 3 48
83 02318050 Comparative Research on Theory of Man between Chinese and Western 3 3 54
84 02318500 Comparative Studies of Religions and Civilizations, East and West 3 3 48
85 02313310 Comparative Study of Eastern and Western Philosophical Thoughts 3 3 54
86 02318460 Comparative Study of Mystic of East and West 2 2 32
87 02318560 Comparetive Stidies of Philosophy of Religion: Chinese and Western 3 3 48
88 02312460 Comparisons and Interactions between three Chinese Religions 3 3 48
89 02310001 Comprehensive Examination 0 0 0
90 02317122 Confucian Aesthetics 3 3 48
91 02312042 Contemporary Chinese Philosophy Seminar 2 2 32
92 02310020 Contemporary Analytic Philosophy 2 2 36
93 02313380 Contemporary Anglo-American Philosophy 3 3 48
94 02317270 Contemporary Chinese Aesthetics 3 3 54
95 02313400 Contemporary Continental Philosophy(Text) 3 3 54
96 02310040 Contemporary French Philosophy 3 3 54
97 02313291 Contemporary German Philosophy 3 3 54
98 02313163 Contemporary Political Philosophy Research 2 2 32
99 02315112 Context-sensitivity: Its Semantic and Philosophical Issues 3 3 48
100 02311060 Critical Review of Western Marxism Philosophy 3 3 48
101 02317180 Critical Thinking and Philosophical Composition 2 2 36
102 02313050 Current Continental Philosophy 3 3 48
103 02310100 Current Issues in Chinese Philosophy 2 2 36
104 02307340 Dance Aesthetics 3 3 48
105 02318170 Daoist Studies in Western Sinology 3 3 48
106 02300494 Decidable Fragments and Extensions of First-order Logic 2 2 32
107 02313810 Descartes` Mediatations 3 3 48
108 02313002 Deutsch fuer Philosophie Studierende Ⅰ 3 3 48
109 02313005 Deutsch fuer Philosophie Studierende Ⅱ 3 3 48
110 02315230 Deviant Logics 2 2 32
111 02318080 Dialogue between Christianity and Chinese Culture 3 3 48
112 02314110 Dialogues between Christianity And Buddhism during Ming-Qing China 2 2 36
113 02318330 Dialogues between Christianity and Buddhism during Ming-Qing Dynasty 2 2 32
114 02313370 Early Analytic Philosophy 3 3 48
115 02313411 Early Modern Philosophy 3 3 48
116 02313800 Enlightenment and Philosophy 3 3 54
117 02315320 Epistemic Logic 3 3 48
118 02318520 Epistle to the Romans 3 3 54
119 02318521 Epistle to the Romans 2 2 30
120 02312342 Ernst Cassirer's Philosophy of Culture from a Comparative Perspective 3 3 48
121 02313162 Essential Concepts of Political Philosophy 3 3 48
122 02316300 Ethical Methods 3 3 48
123 02316310 Ethical Themes 2 2 32
124 02316060 Ethical Themes 3 3 54
125 02316190 Ethics and Culture 2 2 32
126 02316270 Ethics(Texts) 3 3 54
127 02313860 Fichte's "Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre" 3 3 48
128 02315171 First-Order Logic 4 4 64
129 02315170 First-Order Logic 3 3 54
130 02315220 Foreland Problem of the Modern Logic 4 4 64
131 02315270 Foreland Problems of Logic 4 4 54
132 02319600 Free will in the physical world 3 3 54
133 02313111 Freedom and Responsibility in Medieval Thought 3 3 48
134 02318344 Freedom of Religious Belief & Religious Tradition 2 2 32
135 02315271 Frontier Problems of Logic ( I ) 3 3 48
136 02315272 Frontier Problems of Logic ( II ) 3 3 48
137 02319632 Frontiers in Philosophy of Science and Technology 3 3 54
138 02319631 Frontiers in Philosophy of Science and Technology 3 3 54
139 02309712 Frontiers in Science and Technology Studies 3 3 54
140 02315031 Fundamentals of Recursion Theory 3 3 54
141 02315200 Generalized Modal Logic 2 2 34
142 02313012 German Classical Philosophy of Right 3 3 48
143 02313211 Germany and French Phenomenology 3 3 54
144 02318030 Greek Philosophy 3 3 54
145 02314270 Guide to The Platform Sutra 3 3 54
146 02317200 Guide to Western Aesthetical Texts 3 3 54
147 02319991 Hanyu Philosophy and Sociology 3 3 48
148 02313591 Hegel's Philosophy of Right (1821) 3 3 48
149 02313590 Hegel: Ph?nomenologie des Geistes 3 3 54
150 02313550 Hegels Logik 3 3 54
151 02313551 Hegels Wissenschaft der Logik, Lehre vom Sein 3 3 48
152 02313191 Hellenistic Philosophy 3 3 48
153 02311314 Historical Materialism and Contemporary Social Theories 2 2 32
154 02309621 Historiography and Methodology of Natural History 3 3 54
155 02319540 Historiography of Science 3 3 54
156 02318530 History and Theology of Ancient Israel: Introduction to Old Testament 3 3 54
157 02319530 History of Chemistry 3 3 54
158 02310120 History of Chinese Aethetics 3 3 48
159 02316280 History of Chinese Ethics 3 3 54
160 02318191 History of Christian Thought (First 600 years) 2 2 30
161 02318374 History of Islam 2 2 32
162 02311050 History of Marxism Philosophy and Contemporary 2 2 32
163 02311180 History of Modern Chinese philosophy 3 3 48
164 02318300 History of Religion (Theme) 3 3 54
165 02319520 History of Sccience and Technology in China 3 3 54
166 02310140 History of Western Aesthetics Seminar 2 2 32
167 02319001 How to Read and Write 2 2 32
168 02318911 How to Read and Write (I) 1.5 2 27
169 02318912 How to Read and Write (II) 1.5 2 27
170 02315042 Humanism in the Era of Artificial Intelligence 3 3 48
171 02313392 Idealism and Analytic Philosophy 3 3 54
172 02313394 Idealism and Analytic philosophy 3 3 48
173 02313393 Idealism and German Idealism 3 3 54
174 02314210 Indian Religion and Philosophy Works Reading 3 3 54
175 02315300 Intensional Logic 3 3 48
176 02314220 Intensive Reading of Buddhist Scriptures 3 3 48
177 02313641 Intensive Reading of Schelling's "System des transzendentalen Idealismus" 3 3 48
178 02307320 Intercultural Communication of Chinese Opera 3 4 48
179 02316260 Introduction of Chinese Values on Life 2 2 34
180 02313472 Introduction of Greek for Philosophy 3 3 54
181 02312090 Introduction to 'Zhouyi' 3 3 54
182 02313471 Introduction to Ancient Greek, I 4 4 64
183 02314080 Introduction to Buddhist Scripture 3 3 48
184 02317170 Introduction to Chinese Aesthetics 2 2 32
185 02317171 Introduction to Chinese Aesthetics 3 3 54
186 02310170 Introduction to Chinese Philosophical Works 3 3 54
187 02318200 Introduction to Christian Theology 3 3 48
188 02315111 Introduction to Formal Semantics 4 4 68
189 02313481 Introduction to Greek Ⅱ 3 3 48
190 02313483 Introduction to Greek(3) 4 4 64
191 02313593 Introduction to Hegel--Phenomenology 3 3 48
192 02311160 Introduction to Hominology 3 3 54
193 02317102 Introduction to Kant--Prolegomena 2 2 32
194 02313661 Introduction to Kant’s Theory of Knowledge 3 3 48
195 02314200 Introduction to Orthodoxy 2 2 32
196 02313330 Introduction to Phenomenology 3 3 48
197 02313461 Introduction to Pragmatism 2 2 32
198 02317160 Introduction to Western Aesthetics 3 3 48
199 02310180 Introduction to Western Philosophical Works 2 2 32
200 02313473 Introduction to ancient Greek II 4 4 64
201 02313150 Introduction to the Comparison between Eastern Philosophy and Western Philosophy 3 3 54
202 02313880 Introduction to the Critical Philosophy of Race 3 3 48
203 02319400 Introduction to the Promulgation of Science 3 3 54
204 02315190 Intuitionistic Logic 2 2 34
205 02318550 Isaiah and Romans 3 3 54
206 02318372 Islamic study 3 3 48
207 02319010 Issues in Science and Religion 2 2 32
208 02313500 Kant's Critique of Judgment 3 3 54
209 02313660 Kant's Practical Philosophy 3 3 54
210 02313671 Kants "Religion innerhalb der Grenzen der blossen Vernunft" 3 3 48
211 02313670 Kant’s Theoretical Philosophy 3 3 48
212 02311511 Karl Popper’s Philosophy of History 2 2 32
213 02313451 Language and Metaphysics 3 3 48
214 02315041 Language, Logic, and Computation 2 2 32
215 02313003 Latin 4 4 64
216 02313904 Latinum Ⅰ 2 4 64
217 02313905 Latinum Ⅱ 2 4 64
218 02313903 Latin(Ⅲ) 2 4 64
219 02318220 Linbao Scripture 3 3 54
220 02319650 Literature Study on the Science and Public 3 3 54
221 02312011 Literature and Mothedology of Chinese Philosophy 3 3 48
222 02315151 Logic and Argumentation 3 3 48
223 02315260 Logic for Philosophy 3 3 48
224 02315280 Logical Dynamics 3 3 48
225 02315040 Logics in Artificial Intelligence 4 4 72
226 02314230 Main Concepts of Buddhism 3 3 54
227 02311600 Marx`s Philosophy and Critique of Foreign Marxist Philosophy 3 3 48
228 02311470 Marx`s Philosophy and Critique of Foreign Marxist Philosophy 2 2 32
229 02310190 Marxism and Modern Trends of Thought in China 3 3 48
230 02311313 Marxism and Radical Politics 2 2 32
231 02310150 Marxist Philosophy(Texts) 3 3 54
232 02313020 Mathematical Logic 4 4 64
233 02315250 Mathematical Structure 3 3 48
234 02311450 Maxist Bibliography 2 2 32
235 02313900 Medieval Philosophical Latin 3 3 48
236 02318450 Medium Aevum Philosophicum 2 2 34
237 02319300 Metaphysics 2 2 32
238 02312330 Metaphysics in Wei and jin Dynasties 3 3 48
239 02313440 Methodology of Philosophy 3 3 54
240 02313280 Methodology of Study of Western Philosophy 3 3 54
241 02315310 Modal Logic 3 3 48
242 02315020 Model Theory 3 3 48
243 02313410 Modern European Philosophy (Text) 3 3 54
244 02311110 Modern Science and Epistemology 3 3 54
245 02311130 Modern Science and Philosophy 3 3 54
246 02317090 Modern Western Aesthetics 3 3 48
247 02311140 Modernization Theory 2 2 36
248 02311315 Monographic Studies of Historical Materialism(Ⅰ) 2 2 32
249 02311316 Monographic Studies of Historical Materialism(Ⅱ) 2 2 32
250 02316370 Moral Psychology 3 3 48
251 02315110 Neiborghood Semantics 3 3 48
252 02312050 Neo-Confucianism Seminar 3 3 48
253 02318090 New Testament Greek 3 3 48
254 02310070 Organizational Culture and Ethics 2 2 36
255 02318310 Orthodoxy 3 3 54
256 02313331 Phenomenology and Epistemology(1) 3 3 54
257 02316211 Phenomenology and Ethics 3 3 48
258 02313100 Philosophical Ancient Language 2 2 36
259 02313004 Philosophical English 3 3 54
260 02313000 Philosophical Foreign Language 3 3 54
261 02313001 Philosophical Franch 3 3 48
262 02311100 Philosophical Issues in Modern Science 3 3 54
263 02319480 Philosophical Problems in Natural Sciences 3 3 54
264 02314171 Philosophical Reading of Sanskrit Buddhist Scriptures 3 3 48
265 02311220 Philosophical Sociology 3 3 48
266 02313031 Philosophical Texts in Greek 2 2 32
267 02312310 Philosophy in Ming Dynasty 2 2 32
268 02317230 Philosophy of Art 2 2 36
269 02311350 Philosophy of Culture 3 3 54
270 02319981 Philosophy Learners's Present and Future 2 2 32
271 02313740 Philosophy Workshop 3 3 48
272 02310030 Philosophy of Language 3 3 48
273 02313071 Philosophy of Action 3 3 48
274 02300310 Philosophy of Art 3 3 48
275 02300320 Philosophy of Being 3 3 48
276 02312150 Philosophy of Chinese Buddhism 3 3 48
277 02317231 Philosophy of Film 2 2 32
278 02302723 Philosophy of Intelligence 3 3 48
279 02313452 Philosophy of Language & Reality 3 3 48
280 02311280 Philosophy of Management 3 3 54
281 02315240 Philosophy of Mathematics 3 3 54
282 02319090 Philosophy of Mind 3 3 54
283 02313741 Philosophy of Philosophy 3 3 48
284 02319081 Philosophy of Physics 2 2 36
285 02318260 Philosophy of Religion(Theme) 3 3 54
286 02313790 Philosophy of the Emotions 2 2 32
287 02313580 Philosophy: Research and Writing 3 3 48
288 02313630 Plato and the Platonic Tradition 3 3 54
289 02313690 Platon`s Philosophisches System 3 3 48
290 02316341 Political History and Ethical Study 2 2 34
291 02316340 Political Philosophy 3 3 54
292 02311460 Post-metaphysics and Post modernism 3 3 54
293 02318373 Problems of Islamic Philosophy 3 3 48
294 02315150 Proof Theory 3 3 54
295 02313164 Public Reason and Ideology 3 3 48
296 02313571 Rawls' A Theory of Justice 3 3 54
297 02313570 Rawls' Political Liberalism 3 3 54
298 02318392 Read the Works of Arab`s Philosophy 3 3 48
299 02318120 Reading of Taoist Scripture 2 2 36
300 02318400 Reading in Christian Philosophy 3 3 48
301 02313390 Reading of Anglo-American Philosophy 3 3 48
302 02318091 Readings in Ancient Greek 2 2 34
303 02318370 Readings in Chinese Islamic 2 2 32
304 02312060 Readings in Confucian Philosophy 3 3 48
305 02315290 Readings in Natural Law 3 3 54
306 02313650 Realism 3 3 54
307 02315030 Recursion Theory 4 4 64
308 02318340 Religion and Culture 2 2 36
309 02318212 Religion and Philosophy in Renaissance 2 2 32
310 02318471 Religion and Society in Southeast Asia 2 2 32
311 02318345 Religious Art and Religious Faith 2 2 32
312 02318346 Religious Rites and Religious Beliefs 2 2 32
313 02318211 Religous Studies(Theme) 3 3 54
314 02311441 Research on Mahayana-sraddhotpadasastra 3 3 54
315 02318160 Research on Taoism in the World 3 3 54
316 02318150 Research on the Early Celestial Taoism 3 3 48
317 02314050 Research Method of Religionology 3 3 48
318 02310080 Research Methods of Buddhism 3 3 54
319 02311868 Research and Reading on Hobbes's Leviathan 3 3 48
320 02314172 Research and Reading on Vinaya Texts 2 2 32
321 02311042 Research for Philosophy caloriginal Works of Msrxism(2) 3 3 54
322 02311041 Research for Philosophy caloriginal works of Marxism(1) 3 3 54
323 02312120 Research in Daoist Philosophy 3 3 48
324 02311260 Research in Postmodernism Philosophy 2 2 32
325 02313760 Research in Theoretical Philosophy 2 2 32
326 02312302 Research in the English Translations of the Chinese Philosophical Canons 3 3 48
327 02307210 Research of Zhuang Zi Text and Thought 3 3 48
328 02311022 Resesrche in the History of MarxismT Philosophy(2) 3 3 48
329 02313642 Schelling' Philosophy of Art 3 3 48
330 02313640 Schellung und Hegel 3 3 54
331 02313681 Schopenhauers und Nietzsches Philosophie 3 3 48
332 02319560 Science and Public Policy 3 3 48
333 02319570 Science and Society in Modern China 3 3 48
334 02319411 Science and Society in Modern Japan 3 3 48
335 02311700 Science of Complexity and Philosophy 2 2 32
336 02315100 Sefected Reading in Philosophg of Logic 3 3 48
337 02319120 Selected Readings in Philosophy of Nature 3 3 54
338 02318271 Selected Reading in Philosophy of Religion 2 2 32
339 02318270 Selected Reading in Philosophy of Religion 3 3 48
340 02318171 Selected Reading in the Bible Ⅰ 3 3 48
341 02318172 Selected Reading in the Bible Ⅱ 3 3 48
342 02314150 Selected Reading of Chinese Christianity 3 3 48
343 02314310 Selected Reading of Foreign Buddhist Texts 3 3 54
344 02313010 Selected Reading of German Idealism 3 3 54
345 02313030 Selected Reading of Greek Philosophy 3 3 48
346 02314330 Selected Reading of Japanese and Korean Buddhist Texts 3 3 48
347 02313110 Selected Reading of Medieval Philosophy 3 3 54
348 02313060 Selected Reading of Modern Philosophy 3 3 54
349 02319111 Selected Readings in History of Science 3 3 54
350 02310090 Selected Readings in Buddhist Scripture 3 3 54
351 02311430 Selected Readings in Buddhist Scripture 3 3 54
352 02312030 Selected Readings in Chinese Buddhism 3 3 48
353 02314190 Selected Readings in Korean Buddhist Scripture 3 3 54
354 02318431 Selected Readings in Nomology 2 2 32
355 02319100 Selected Readings in Philosophy of Science 3 3 48
356 02319212 Selected Readings in Philosophy of Technology 3 3 54
357 02308570 Selected Readings in Religious Studies 3 3 48
358 02319640 Selected Readings in Science Policy 3 3 54
359 02319440 Selected Readings in Sociology of Science 3 3 54
360 02319380 Selected Readings in Theories and Methods of History of Science and Technology 3 3 54
361 02319730 Selected Readings in the Intellectual History of Western Science 3 3 48
362 02313680 Selected Readings of Nietzsche 3 3 54
363 02312111 Selected Readings on History of Thoughts in Han Dynasty 3 3 48
364 02314061 Selective Reading of Chinese Buddhist Scripture(1) 3 3 54
365 02314062 Selective Reading of Chinese Buddhist Scripture(2) 3 3 54
366 02310151 Selective Reading of Grundrisse 2 2 32
367 02314040 Selective Reading of Japanese Buddhist Scripture 3 3 48
368 02318470 Seminar for Dialogue between Religions 3 3 54
369 02314280 Seminar of the Huayan Research 3 3 48
370 02319580 Seminar on Cultural and Social Studies of Science 4 2 144
371 02313820 Seminar on Donald Davidson's Philosophy 3 3 54
372 02317101 Seminar on Kant`s Critique of Judgment 2 2 32
373 02313120 Seminar on Philosophy of Logic 4 4 68
374 02319510 Seminar on Science, Technology and Society 3 3 54
375 02315330 Seminar on Theories of Truth 3 3 48
376 02319390 Seminar on the Frontiers of the Historiography of Chinese Science 3 3 54
377 02318230 Shangqing Scripture 3 3 54
378 02318290 Sociology of Religion 3 3 54
379 02319062 Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) 2 2 34
380 02319061 Sociology of Scientific Knowledge (SSK) 3 3 54
381 02319412 Special Study on Science, Technology and Society in Japan 3 3 54
382 02311231 Special Subject on Marx's Philosophy of History 2 2 32
383 02311471 Special Subject on Marxist Philosophy Abroad 3 3 48
384 02314070 Special Subjects of lndian Philosophy 3 3 54
385 02315060 Speciality of Logic 3 3 48
386 02313540 Spinozas Ethik 3 3 54
387 02317190 Studies in Basic Theory of Aesthetics 3 3 54
388 02314262 Studies in Chinese Classics(3. Xunzi) 2 2 34
389 02314263 Studies in Chinese Classics(4.zhongyong) 2 2 34
390 02315160 Studies in Philosophy of Logic 3 3 54
391 02319620 Studies in Philosophy of Scientific Practices 3 3 54
392 02312080 Studies in Pre-Qin Philosophy 3 3 54
393 02317210 Studies in Theoretical Questions of Aesthetics 2 2 32
394 02314300 Studies of Buddhist Literature 2 2 32
395 02318420 Studies of Classics in Sociology of Religion 3 3 54
396 02311012 Studies of Principles of Philosophy(2) 4 4 72
397 02312450 Studies of Quan-zhen Taoism 3 3 48
398 02311170 Studies on Epistemology 2 2 36
399 02302110 Studies on Jing-xue of Song Dynasty 3 3 48
400 02318490 Studies on Maha-Zhi-Guan 2 2 32
401 02315161 Studies on Paradoxes 3 3 48
402 02313492 Studies on Property 3 3 48
403 02313541 Studies on Spinoza`s Philosophy 3 3 54
404 02318360 Studies on Tiantai Buddhism 2 2 34
405 02312180 Studies on the Historical Data of Modern and Contemporary Chinese Philosophy 3 3 54
406 02319531 Studies on the Historical Documents in Chemistry 3 3 54
407 02311320 Study of Ontology 2 2 36
408 02311023 Study On the History of Marxist Philosophy(II) 3 3 48
409 02311021 Study On the History of Marxist Philosophy(I) 3 3 48
410 02318440 Study in Augustine's Philosophy 3 3 54
411 02311451 Study in Marx's Early Thoughts 3 3 48
412 02311610 Study in Marx's Theory of State 3 3 48
413 02311240 Study in key philosophical Debates since 1949 3 3 54
414 02313230 Study of American Philosophy 3 3 54
415 02313180 Study of Christian Philosphy 3 3 54
416 02318570 Study of ChristianTheology and Aesthetics 3 3 48
417 02312170 Study of Confucian Classics of Pre-qin Dynasty 3 3 54
418 02313200 Study of English Philosophy 3 3 54
419 02313210 Study of French Philosophy 3 3 54
420 02313220 Study of German Philosophy 3 3 54
421 02311500 Study of Globalization 2 2 36
422 02313190 Study of Greek Philosophy 3 3 54
423 02318282 Study of Methodology as for Geistige Wissenschaft 3 3 48
424 02318410 Study of New Testment 2 2 34
425 02313160 Study of Philosophy 3 3 54
426 02313250 Study of Philosophy of History 3 3 54
427 02313270 Study of Philosophy of Logic 3 3 54
428 02313170 Study of Philosophy of Society 3 3 54
429 02311312 Study of Philosophy of the Initiator of Western Marxism 2 2 32
430 02313290 Study of Russian Religious Thoughts 3 3 54
431 02313300 Study of Russian Rhilosophy 3 3 54
432 02314160 Study of Social Function of Chinese Religions 3 3 48
433 02313271 Study of Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus 3 3 48
434 02313240 Study of Western Current Philosophy 3 3 48
435 02318100 Study of Western Philosophy of Religion (Theses) 3 3 48
436 02313130 Study of the Bible(theme) 3 3 48
437 02312172 Study on Chinese Classcis 3 3 48
438 02310160 Study on Chinese Modernization 2 2 36
439 02312070 Study on Confucian Philosophy 3 3 48
440 02313361 Study on Heidegger 3 3 54
441 02311290 Study on Neo-Confucianism 2 2 36
442 02311011 Study on Principles of Marxist Philosophy 3 3 48
443 02313830 Study on Schleiermacher`s Philosophy 2 2 36
444 02312440 Study on Spirit Philosopy of Religious Taoism 3 3 48
445 02311040 Study on Texts of Marxist Philosophy 3 3 48
446 02318350 Study on Theses of Seng Zhao 3 3 54
447 02312081 Study on Three Ritual Works 3 3 48
448 02319642 Study on Topics of International Communication of Taijiquan 3 3 54
449 02319351 Study on Topics of Public and Science in Perspective of Comparison between China and West 3 3 54
450 02312410 Study on Zhuangzi`s Philosophy 3 3 48
451 02312360 Study on the Philosophy of I-ching 3 3 48
452 02312480 Study on the Political Philosophy in the Ancient China 3 3 48
453 02312341 Subjects on Comparative Philosophy 3 3 48
454 02313450 Subjects on Metaphysics 3 3 54
455 02318061 Survey of Early Medieval Daoist Texts 2 2 32
456 02312010 Survey of Studying Material of Chinese Philosophy 3 3 48
457 02318210 Taoism Inner Alchemy in Song and Yuan Dynasties 2 2 36
458 02318121 Taoism in the Six Dynasties Period 3 3 48
459 02312020 Taoist Classics 3 3 48
460 02318110 The History of Taoist Canon 3 3 48
461 02312350 The literature of Unearthed Bamboo-silk and Noe-ision of Ancient Philosophy 3 3 48
462 02312171 The History of Chinese Jing-xue 3 3 48
463 02312132 The Moral Psychology of William James and Mencius 3 3 48
464 02318540 The Pentateuch 3 3 54
465 02313501 The Phenomenology of Religion 3 3 48
466 02319080 The Philosophical Issues of The Front of Natural Sciences 2 2 36
467 02311071 The Philosophy of Capital 3 3 54
468 02313840 The Philosophy of Hume 3 3 48
469 02311070 The Philosophy of Karl Marx 3 3 54
470 02313522 The Philosophy of Nietzsche 3 3 48
471 02311490 The Postmodern Philosophy of History 2 2 36
472 02318480 The Problem of Emotion in Ancient and Medieval Philosophy 3 3 54
473 02316212 The Problem of Evil and Ethics 2 12 32
474 02317280 The Recent Advanced Study of Aesthetics 3 3 48
475 02318252 The Religious Law and Belief 2 2 34
476 02311270 The Special topic on the Major Problem of the Coutemporary Philosophy 3 3 54
477 02301271 The Special topic on the Major Problem of the Coutemporary Philosophy(Ⅰ) 3 3 48
478 02301272 The Special topic on the Major Problem of the Coutemporary Philosophy( Ⅱ) 3 3 48
479 02318320 The Study of Chinese Religions 2 2 36
480 02314290 The Study of Daoist Canon 3 3 54
481 02313672 The Study of Kant's Theory of Consciousness 3 3 48
482 02312320 The Study of Legalists in the Pre-Qin Days 3 3 48
483 02313341 The Study of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations 3 3 48
484 02307350 The choreography theory on Chinese dance drama 3 3 48
485 02313750 Themes from Parfit 3 3 48
486 02310110 Themes in Environmental Aesthetics 2 2 36
487 02313112 Themes in Medieval Metaphysics 3 3 48
488 02319200 Themes in the Philosophy of Technologies 2 2 36
489 02318180 Theological Classics 3 3 54
490 02313600 Theories of Self-consciousness and Subjectivity 3 3 54
491 02313610 Theories of Self-consciousness and Subjectivity (2) 3 3 54
492 02311161 Theory of Man 3 3 54
493 02317240 Theory of Art and History of Art(Theme) 2 2 36
494 02313730 Theory of Democracy 3 3 48
495 02313490 Theory of Knowledge 3 3 48
496 02313510 Theory of Name and Reference 3 3 54
497 02316000 Thesis Composition in Ethics 1 1 16
498 02318600 Thesis Writing of Religious Studies 1 1 16
499 02301010 The Selected Readings of  Marxist-leninist Classics 4 4 72
500 02301011 The Selected Readings of Marxist Classics(Ⅰ) 3 3 48
501 02301012 The Selected Readings of Marxist Classics(Ⅱ) 3 3 48
502 02319011 Thoreau and Walden 2 2 32
503 02312101 Thoughts and Philogy in The Early China 3 3 48
504 02319610 Topical Readings in Philosophy of Science 3 3 54
505 02316140 Topics in the History of Chinese Ethics 3 3 54
506 02312130 Topics in Chinese Philosophy 3 3 54
507 02309622 Topics in Cultures of Natural History 3 3 48
508 02313113 Topics in Free Will 3 3 48
509 02319571 Topics in History of Science and Technology in Modern China 3 3 48
510 02319590 Topics in History of Science: Scientific Revolution 3 3 54
511 02319700 Topics in History of Western Science and Technology 3 3 48
512 02312160 Topics in Modern Chinese Philosophy 3 3 48
513 02319160 Topics in Philosophy of Biology 3 3 48
514 02309711 Topics in Science, Technology and Innovation Studies 3 3 54
515 02319460 Topics in Social History of Science 3 3 54
516 02319500 Topics in Social Studies of Science 3 3 54
517 02300495 Topics in games and logic 2 2 32
518 02319350 Topics in the Science and Public 3 3 54
519 02314180 Topics of Chinese Philosophy 2 2 32
520 02318380 Topics on Buddist in Europea-America 3 3 54
521 02315410 Towards a Philosophical Theory of Computation 3 3 48
522 02313870 Truth Condition Semantics and Truthmaker Theory 3 3 48
523 02317070 Twentieth Century Western Aesthetics (Seminar) 3 3 48
524 02317260 Western Aesthetics(Theses) 3 3 54
525 02313710 Western Classical Thought 3 3 48
526 02313712 Western Classical Thought (II) 3 3 48
527 02313530 Western History of Liberalism 3 3 54
528 02311311 Western Marxism (Themes) 3 3 48
529 02311310 Western Marxism(Theme) 3 3 54
530 02313420 Western Philosophy (Text) 3 3 54
531 02311510 Western Philosophy of History 3 3 54
532 02312303 Whitehead and the Book of Changes 3 3 48
533 02318510 Wisdom of John's Gospel 3 3 54
534 02311440 Wonhy Commentaries on Awakening of Mahayana Faith 3 3 54
535 02314320 Zen and Christian Theology 3 3 54
536 02319990 chinese 4 4 72
537 02313484 intoduction to Greek (IV) 3 3 48